Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Styles of Painting (and Cool Gummy Bear Art)

Yay! Mr Glenn talked about my research artist today, JMW Turner. His paintings are awesome. My favorite style of art was the Renaissance stuff. I really like the Statue of David for all the wrong reasons, it was because Michelangelo made David look all extra manly. MMmmm. ;D

Anyways... while Mr. Glenn was lecturing about the old art, I thought about something. I wonder if that caveman who doodled on a rock, for the hell of it, realized that it was going to be considered art in the future. Like, if I were to go out to the beach, find a shell, carve a dolphin on it and toss it away, will it be famous tens of thousands of years from now. Just a random thought.

I wish we could have talked more about the artist and stuff and not just rush through it, but we only had a little amount of time. So it's understandable, but still sad because we are going to stop talking about paintings now.

Now enjoy some awesome random yummy gummy bear art!!! :D



  1. I have seen pictures of the San Francisco gummy city, but i havent seen the others! You must like gummy bears!

  2. ahhhh I love gummy bears! thanks this reminded me that I had some. It was cool that Mr. Z mentioned your artist. It was cool I heard the artist name and a light bulb went off because I remember reading your blog. :)
